Do you find that everything is always connected? Nothing is ever isolated or alone?
How many times have you been speaking to a friend over coffee and you are talking about a class and she knows the ladies son that teaches the class. Or you are reading a book and your brother, mum, friend starts talking about the same concept?
I experience these synchronicities (if that is what they are called) and they always make me chuckle. The world really is a small place or they are nice reminders that we are walking the right path or the same path.
These small but significant interactions can remind us that we are supported and we are not alone. We sometimes just need to pay attention to these subtle synchronicities and see them as a guide to opening up our worlds. They remind us we are connected to other people, situations and knowledge.
Remember a time when a person ridiculed you about the job you did, the beliefs you had or the way you even walked (people can be funny sometimes), there always seemed to be that moment when a person (the wise, nice one) that would come along and offer the support you needed at the time.
As happened today, I am at work in my nursing job looking after the acute cardiac patients (I am also studying energy medicine) and I begin talking to a patient. She tells me she left her book in the waiting area, so off I go to fetch the book. It happens to be a book about energy medicine, I also happen to be reading a book co-authored by the same Dr. (too funny). Hence, we get into a chat and all the similarities start coming out, she knows my teacher, she has completed the course I am looking into undertaking. This evolves into a discussion about energy medicine; it’s basis, origins, and leaders in the field, different techniques. After and hour of discussion we came to realize, all these energy techniques, from ancient Chinese and Hindu methods, reiki, herbalism and kinesiology are all from the same origin and source.

They are all part of the same pie, but just a different slice. Just like human beings, in essence we are all the same. Everyday I am taught, shown and experience that everything is just a part of the same pie. As we consume our slice we come across those that also like our slice, but also like the other slices. These are the true guides in our life that help expand the journey of seeing the whole pie.
As in the great movie
Waitress, she bakes a pie of passion and love that come into the life of that one person that eats it when they need it. All made from love and kindness.
So what flavor is your slice of pie? (I like mine sweet and warm)