Sunday, June 20, 2010

Experiencing the balance!

Do you find that too often you focus on the end outcome and forget about the process of experiencing the journey? 
I know I do.

Today, as I walked through the sun filled street at the beginning of a new path in my journey I took a big deep breath and filled my lungs with the fresh air. Breathing in new life and experiences, the old walls and boundaries melt down into the earth and allow a sense of freedom to infuse my step.

I feel nourished. I have a fire burning in my belly. There is a sense of knowing that these steps are the right steps.

Of course, as with all new things a I feel butterflies dancing in my stomach (excited butterflies they must be). As part of  human nature we always want to know what the path will look like, how many bends there will be, who will we meet. Yet, I have made  a conscious effort to let go and flow like water and take one step at a time.

The process, the journey is the experience that guides us. Often we have a feeling of uncertainty, but within this the fundamentals of truth - fire, earth, metal, water and wood, lie. These elements thrive, dance, evolve, play and shift as we experience the journey. The fundamentals act and react to the steps we take on our path and provide the spirit, emotion and energy that we need to experience balance in our life.

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Fundamentals


In eastern philosophy and traditional Chinese medicine, these 5 elements are what constitutes all things. All these elements are apart of each everything and everyone. They guide all actions, reactions, creations, phases and evolution. This is basis of all.

Everything, including you and me have all the elements within us. Although, as each day comes and goes, we move through these elements, we wax and wane.

Sometimes we have a little bit too much fire in our belly. Other times we are stuck, by being too grounded and not using our natural resources. Then other times we need to breath in new life to move forward and then let go so we go with flow, like water and move into new phases. Once we move through letting go, it enables us to grow and reach our goals, like the tall tree in the forest reaching for the sky.

Let’s look at plant, say, Lavendar. FIRE. It grows with passion and creative to bring joy. EARTH. It receives nutrients from the soil and digests these to grow strong. METAL. It uses it energies wisely to grow, knowing to hold onto it’s energy when things are hard and cold. WATER. It sways in the breeze and takes the weather elements as they come and keeps on growing. WOOD. It gives birth to lovely scents to help calm and relax us.

Look around and you will always ‘see’ one of the five elements showing it’s true color in all things.

What do you see?