All the talk of resolutions and good intentions fall by the way side and people continue to do what they have always done, and then June hits and people bask in the glory of summer. Winter rolls around again and people contemplate the year gone by and wonder why nothing change.
As Benjamin Franklin stated:
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
So I ask of you, what will you start this year that will get you closer to the person you dream of being?
My dear friend and inspiration, the wonderful Miss Creative (check out her blog: http://louisegale.blogspot.com/) asked if I wish to join her in an e-course, which is all about dreaming big and achieving your goals. And it all starts TODAY http://www.mondobeyondo.org/
I am excited to explore my dreams and get to the root of my beliefs. As it is our limiting beliefs that hold us back from making our dreams a reality. These current beliefs about dreams we desire create anxiety, doubt and fear. These old beliefs are the notions that keep you safe in your box and prevent you from moving forward and creating bigger and greater things for yourself.
By recreating, redefining and exploring your current beliefs you can realise that sometimes they are not serving you well. This awareness can give you the power to create new beliefs, that allow you to live and explore your dreams. How great is that, you can actually live your dream. When you know that the power is in you, that hold our power and it is yours alone, the possibilities and dreams are endless.
So what will you do with your dream today?
Keep dreaming!
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