Everyone has heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’, so why do so many of us each day decided to nourish ourselves with foods that do not make us look and feel so good.
How good do you think that processed hot dog covered in fructose corn syrup ketchup along with the refined striped of all it’s natural goodness wheat roll (don’t forget the soda and chips on the side) is going to nourish your body.
Let’s take a walk down this nutritional path…
You’re starving so you stop at the hot dog stand and grab a bite. Mmm, tastes so good and this is the pleasurable part right! You were hungry so you ate some food, now your brain is telling you are full and you enjoyed the process. Have you every wondered what happens after that.
Well, this processed hot dog, your stomach mulches high fructose corn syrup ketchup and some artificial bread up and it all goes along its merry path along the intestines. This is where the body is searching (it really is trying it’s hardest) to find some nutrients to nourish the body. It finds a few nutrients with the rations it was given and gives this out to the needy cells. These cells are crying out for some wholesome food so they can go about there business of keep us energized, vibrant, healthy and get rid of the toxins from our environment, foods and lifestyle. Most importantly though, these nutrients that the body reaps form our diet helps our little cells deal with all the negative chemicals left behind by the negative emotions we feel everyday. Candice Pert is a leader in the field on psychoimmunoneurology that delves into the world of the effect thoughts and emotions have on our physical body. It is fascinating stuff!
When you give yourself foods that nourish your body, your cells are vibrant, exciting powerhouses, ready to take on whatever the day may bring. When our cells lack that nourishment they feel fatigue, lethargic and maybe even a little grumpy that they can’t do everything we demand of them. Would you expect your car to run on empty tank with cheap and nasty gasoline? Our bodies have a great way of telling us what it likes and doesn’t like, what makes it feel good or bad, we just have to listen.
Food is vital for life and it is something that we get to do everyday and enjoy. It is an art, science and passion. So, as you go down your path and the next time your tummy is telling you that it is hungry, maybe think about is the choice you make controlled by what your brain thinks will taste good at this moment? And what can you can give your body to nourish those little cells so it can bound through the day in tip top shape (as we are just one package of A LOT of those little cells).
Nourish, thrive and grow!
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