Following a week of many extremes, I am in the midst of create some balance in my world.

To help re-create my balance after a week of extremes I have began a detox. Day 1 is almost complete. Which in itself has created extremes of feeling great, to also feeling less than great as my body asks where it's morning coffee is. It has been over 10 years that I have not had my morning cup of coffee.
I am excited to see how this detox experience will offer harmony within my world. If all we do is work (or play) our family, friends, plants and animals suffer. We create the suffering by choosing extremes. This dis-harmony we create by living in extremes trickles into our relationships, emotions and well-being.
To witness the trickle effect, that when you nurture one part of your soul, the other parts quickly flow as well. Nurturing your body and allowing it the space to cleanse, rejuvenate also creates space in your world. As old habits dissolve, it offers room for new experiences intended towards creating harmony and balance.
Creating balance to maintain harmony is a task, it takes courage, respect and clarity.

With juice in hand, here is a cheers to creating harmony and balance within our worlds.
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