Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Following your Intuition

One of my goals is to always be connected, to always listen to the feeling inside that knows what is best for you. So, when MondoBeyondo asked this this week:

Where have your best impulses taken you?

Have you ever had a time where listening to your gut totally paid off?  What was the situation?  How did you know that you knew what to do next? I got a little is my story!

One of the biggest and easiest decisions of my life was when I moved to the US from Australia. My sister rang me up from new york, which she was going to make her new home and said 'come and live in new york with me'. Now, for me this was HUGE. I was the quiet girl, I had never traveled overseas, but there was something inside of me that said 'Just go'.

Six weeks later, a one way ticket to New York and a backpack I was on my way. I had quit my job, vacated my apartment and was off for a big (and scary) adventure.

I rationalised that it it doesn't work out I will just go back home to Australia. I knew in my heart of hearts that if I had that return ticket readily available inmy pocket, I would be on the next flight back to Oz as soon as it all got a little much in the big world of overseas and newness in New York.

So I plunged into with engines on fire!

Needless to say, after inviting me over with the best of intentions my sister left 6 weeks after I got here, she didn't like it at all. I been yelled at far too mnay times to count for either walking up the steps in the wrong side , not moving quick enough in the post office line, fallen in love and had my heart broken, managed to survive a year on the lowest of wages whilst I waited for my nursing license (but had the best time EVER).

I am still here 5 years later and still adoring every moment. Things keep getting better. Every now and then I let myself wonder what would be if I had not taken that leap of faith. It was a giant leap. I recognise how much it has changed my path, taught and evolve me. Then I also recognise that the small leaps of faith we all take everyday by following that inner guide, that gut feeling, that niggle in the heart, that impacts us just as greatly and has just the same effect as those big moments we clearly remember. It is always one of my wishes, intentions and gratitude, to always being connected.

Words to live by...

Starting to dream!

So the first exercise for the e-course was to create a word the inspires our intention for the year. It used the 'Word of the Year Discovery Tool' created by  Christine Kane

My word for the year is  flourish

With the seeds I have been planting I shall nurture my garden and let it grow. A garden full of blossoming beautiful scented roses.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dreaming into the future

As the new year rolls in and we all get back to our lives after the indulgences of the holiday season, it is evident all around that people do not change.

All the talk of resolutions and good intentions fall by the way side and people continue to do what they have always done, and then June hits and people bask in the glory of summer. Winter rolls around again and people contemplate the year gone by and wonder why nothing change.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wise Words

"The mind experiences and the brain records".
Valerie V. Hunt

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Beginnings

A new day, a new year and a new decade! What better opportunity to share the ever eternal journey for achieving balance. New Years is such a funny time. One feels excited as there is a whole new year to create possibilities, dream big and create new visions.

One also feels a sense sadness of what has been whether they were good times had that are now memories or over opportunities missed, words not spoken or actions left beyond due to our own fear. They say one can not dwell on the past and move forward which is why I think New Years offers us the perfect chance to reflect on what was and what will be. So as strolled the streets doing my groceries and going for a run, I reflected on my time gone by this year and the time to come.

All around couples kissed with the pleasure of sharing there first day of the year together. The bitter people angry that they are once again alone on such an auspicious day wonder why this is happening to them again (I wonder if they every ask, what can I do to change this situation?

I suppose they never do as they walk by still grumbling to themselves). I realise I was also one of those walking along by myself but I realised, I chose this moment and I am happy with it. I love the blanket of snow across the trees, the crispness in the air and most important I have freedom both physically in the 'real' world and emotionally.

I looked back at where I was 365 days ago and a sense of 'oh my god' ran through my body, my how I have change. Along with this came a realisation of awe, I certainly did a lot of work this year, but it was fun and I became excited about where next year will lead me and where I will lead myself.

So many choices, so many possibilities. I am a different person to who I was a year ago, a decade ago and a day ago. What choice do you have today to make it a better one?