We all go through change. Every new moment in time there is change.
With every new moment the wind changes, the sun moves closer to sunset, our minds think a new thought and a new feeling engulfs our body. Change is the one thing in life that is guaranteed. Change is inevitable. So why do we freak out when things change in our world?
During a week of many great changes for myself I freaked out, I cried, I laughed and ran around in circles
flailing my arms in panic, then I stopped.
Change is inevitable and is always, but we can change how we respond.
I thought what do I need to do to accept and flow with change?
So, I stopped and I asked what does courage mean to me? This is what I found...
Continue to walk towards your destiny
Outshine yourself from within
Unify all parts of who you are
Reach for your highest potential
Actions speak louder than words
Give to yourself and others (and be kind)
Expect great things
What does courage mean to you?
Miss Creative gave me a lovely pendant a while back to remind me of this.